15. Jan 2007
Porting Pingus to SDL is in progress, some spelling fixes for the FAQ
11. Feb 2006
Time for some news, current plans for Pingus look like this:
- Jave27 is currently trying to get the latest version in a release ready state
- Grumbel opened a new branch in SVN called pingus-sdl, this is supposed to port Pingus to SDL, level file format will switch to S-Expr instead of XML
09. Apr 2004
It's been a long time without any updates, so there's a couple of news to note here.
- Pingus got elected GotM for April at The Linux Game Tome and a 0.7 release with many new features may be expected soon.
- Pingus CVS was replaced by Subversion
- There will be a new release on the stable branch (0.6.1) very soon now, planned date is 15.04.2004 - cross your fingers and hope. :-)
- We've got now a Level Comment Tool where you can rate all levels which are delivered with Pingus.
14. Sep 2003
A added little button in the bottom left corner of the webpage that allows you to
donate via Paypal.
16. Apr 2003
Pingus 0.6.0 is finally out, has taken longer as expected, but here it is. It contains one island with 22 playable tutorial levels. This is the first playable release ever of Pingus.
12. Apr 2003
A second prerelease of Pingus 0.6.0 is out, named 0.6.0rc2, final 0.6.0 release is expected to be finished this weekend.
7. Apr 2003
A first prerelease of Pingus 0.6.0 is out, named 0.6.0rc1
21. Mar 2003
After some downtime the Pingus CVS repository is up and running again. But since its now in another CVSROOT people with a checkout need either to re checkout it or editor they
CVS/Root files a bit, more info is available
5. Mar 2003
Another IRC Meeting is scheduled for the end of this week (07. Mar 2003) on Friday, 18:00 GMT. Server and channel stay the as with the last one, see below. same. Everybody is welcome.
26. Feb 2003
IRC Meeting planed for the next Saturday. For details see below and the
Contact Section of this site.
22. Dec 2002
Rumour is that a new, finally playable, release will come out in the next days... even so this isn't officially confirmed you might cross your fingers and it will probably happen.
21. Dec 2002
The Webpage got finally a complete redesign, this took, as always, longer than expected, but anyway here it is. If you want to know how this page is generated you can look at the xml source and the Makefiles in the
Savanna Web CVS tree.
28. July 2002
Blender, a very powerfull 3D modelling software, might become Free Software, but to accomplish that they need to collect 100'000EUR. So if you want to help Pingus and many other free game projects, donate something to the Blender Foundation please.

[Update: Blender now is Free Software, thanks to all donators!]
17. June 2002
Updates are still not done, but we are working on it... in the meantime you can go to the
bugtracker and submit your favorit bugs in Pingus.
5. June 2002
Mailing List and Bugtracking on the move to savanna
The bugtracking and mailing lists are on there move to
http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/pingus/. Some of the info on this webpage will therefore be out dated and needs some updating, this should be done in a day or two.
2. June 2002
The source for many Pingus images (.xcf, etc.) is now available at
ftp://pingus.seul.org/pub/pingus/contrib/. That directory contains everything that I used in the development process, which is not included in the official source tarball.
28. May 2002
I have submitted Pingus to
http://unmaintained.sourceforge.net/ now. Sorry, but I simply lack the time and motivation to continue this project. So if anybody wants to help coordinating this project, they are more than welcome. Please drop a mail to
pingus-devel in case you are interested to help.
18. Feb 2002
Call for help!
Pingus has currently 140 levels in the XML format and another 40 levels in the old PLF/PSM format, all these need to get reviewed, rated, fixed and/or converted. So if you have some spare time, its now a good point to help! For a first overview you can get a list of all levels
here. More detailed instructions on what you can do will follow soon.
01. Dec 2001
New ToDo list added
17. Nov 2001
A short overview over the class structure is available
5. Aug 2001
'pingus.cx' is down, so you currently can't reach me via grumbel@gmail.com, try
grumbel@gmail.com instead.
28. July 2001
Release 0.5.0pre2 is out
You can download it
15. July 2001
Pingus is in need for new programmers! As the last month have shown this project is nearly dead, I currently simply lack the time to do anything for Pingus, so I need some help. So when you are at least a bit familiar with C++ and have some spare time to offer, please drop
me a mail, so I can coordinate the efforts.
16. June 2001
Pingus 0.5.0pre1 is out
Finally a new Pingus release is out, but be warned this is a development release (mostly for level designers) and is known to crash. When you want a playable game, this thing won't make you happy.
14. Apr 2001
You can find a screenshot of the multiplayer mode
12. Apr 2001
Multiplayer is on its way!
I am currently implementing multiplayer support (split-screen, no network support) for Pingus, cooperative and battle modes will be available.
4. Apr 2001
Generated some source docs with doxygen, you can find them
2. Apr 2001
I cleaned up my Pingus directory tree, commited a bunch of missing images and levels (more to come) and fixed some bugs in the CVS version. Looks like this thing is alife again and a new release might follow soon.
18. Feb 2001
Project suspended for at least another month!
Due to the lack of time and motivation I will not work on the project for at least another month, so don't expect any updates in that time. In the meantime you can have a look at some of my other projects:
5. Nov 2000
Pingus runs now on LinuxPPC!
A guide on how to compile Pingus and some PPC Clanlib and Hermes RPMs are available
here, but be warned this is only experimental development stuff and it will crash often.
13. Sep 2000
We have now an "official" IRC channel at:
Server: irc.openprojects.net
Channel: #pingus
11. Aug 2000
Some more photos of the LinuxTag are available
5. Aug 2000
Added another
screenshot of the new menu and a screenshot of the new weather effects
27. Jul 2000
Added a
screenshot of the new menu, comments welcome.
16. Jul 2000
Pingus Release 0.4.0
A new release of Pingus is out, its main features are a set of fully playable levels, a lot of new gfx for the level designers and it comes as a
static linked binary,
no extra libraries are required - it will run
out-of-the-box. Its as always available in the
download section.
16. Jul 2000
Level building tutorial
I have written a short level building tutorial, which explains the basics of level editing.
4. Jul 2000
New mailing list: Due to some spam problems with the old list, the
Pingus mailing has now moved to
SourceForge, in addition there are now also announce and users mailing lists.
29. Jun
LinuxTag 2000
As some might already know, Pingus will be present from the 29.06-02.07.2000 at the LinuxTag in Stuttgart/Germany
10. Jun 2000
The first prerelease of Pingus 0.4.0pre1 is out, have a look on the pingus-devel list for more instruction. Warrning: prereleases are not meant for the average user, they are meant for testing and debugging, so they are not publicly available.
24. Mai 2000
Pingus 0.4.0 still not ready
Pingus has currently some huge bugs, which needs to be fix before the next release, this can take another two weeks or longer, sorry. Use the CVS version for the moment.
07. Mai 2000
All older Pingus releases are now available via
25. Apr 2000
Ever wished that the Pingus could walk over your windows while you are reading you mail? A dream has come true,
Robin Hogan wrote
23. Apr 2000
Pingus 0.4.0 not ready yet
A new version of Pingus will probably released in the next two weeks, for the moment I suggest you to try the CVS version.
09. Mar 2000
Pingus 0.3.1 will not work with ClanLib 0.4.2, a patch is available
here, have also a look at the
26. Dec 1999
RPMs and a new
tarball of Pingus 0.3.0a
10. Oct 1999
Uploaded new versions of the RPMs, which fix a little bug
06. Oct 1999
Binary RPMs of Pingus 0.2.3 are available
04. Oct 1999
Source RPMs of Pingus 0.2.3 are available
29. Sept 1999
A good
article about Pinugs can be found at ext2.org.
25. Aug 1999
Released version 0.2.1
22. Aug 1999
Updated the webpage a bit
13. Aug 1999
Released Version 0.2.0b
12. Aug 1999
Released Version 0.2.0a and a patch for 0.2.0
11. Aug 1999
Released Version 0.2.0
01. Jul 1999
Released Version 0.1.1
21. Jun 1999
A nice Pingus
poster is now, available.
30. May 1999
Released pingus version 0.0.15
30. May 1999
I have uploaded a new CVS snapshot of ClanLib, checkout the
download section.
9. May 1999
Released pingus version 0.0.14
30. Apr 1999
Changed the layout of the webpage, to be more flexible and extensible.
01. Apr 1999
0.0.10: Hotspot, traps, exits and entrances all can now be read from a level file. An example level is included.
01. Apr 1999
0.0.9a: Same as the broken 0.0.9, only some bug fixes and clean ups
27. Mar 1999
0.0.9pre: Release of a static linked version
21. Mar 1999
0.0.8: Rewrite of Pingu class, entrance and exit are ready
14. Mar 1999
0.0.7: Compiling should now be easier, make install should work (for /usr/local only). Walker pingu now included.
07. Mar 1999
Release of version 0.0.6, more trouble to get it compiled
20. Feb 1999
Release of version 0.0.5, better speed (~15fps), basic mouse support and a nice tile map
31. Jan 1999
Fourth release, levels are now read from file and support for tile maps is available
17. Jan 1999
Third Release, more complete drawing routines
10. Jan 1999
Second Release, maybe compilable
06. Dec 1998
First version available and added some infos about the level format
28. Nov 1998
Changed the GFX-Lib from Allegro to
07. Nov 1998
Started Programming Pingus
04. Nov 1998
Got the Idea to start a Lemmings clone